Tuesday 3 September 2024

Flower girl

 Hello everyone, here is a Christmas card made using an image from Radiant Artistry Designs..

Check out what they have to offer, you can find all the details here https://ko-fi.com/radiantartistrydesigns.

To create this card I have used the following:  

White card blank
White cardstock
Black cardstock
Crafters Companion patterned papers
Radiant Artistry Designs coloured with Copics 
White gel pen
Die cut flowers

Thanks for visiting today and I hope you like my card.

Feedback is always very much appreciated and I would love you to follow my blog.

I am entering this into the following challenges:


  1. Lovely card! The image is beautiful and the die cut flowers really add a great touch. Thanks for sharing at A Cut Above's September, "Anything Goes with a Die Cut" and optional monochromatic challenge.

  2. So pretty, I especially like the delicate flowers along the bottom.

  3. Gorgeous image and the pretty florals look like they may be Ginkgo Biloba, very pretty. Thanks for joining us at The Beautiful Blossoms Challenge and best of luck in the draw.
    Donna xx
    Beautiful Blossoms Challenge
    Paper Funday Challenge
    Inspiration Station Challenge


I very much appreciate you visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I read every one and would love it if you became a follower of my blog.
Wendy xx